N-UNCOUNT 公平贸易(指以公道的价格从发展中国家制造商手中直接购进商品的做法) Fair trade is the practice of buying goods directly from producers in developing countries at a fair price.
The Fair Trade Commission has of late been flexing its muscles, cracking down on cases of corruption. 公平交易委员会最近在显示威力,严厉打击腐败事件。
The scholars have studied deeply on the country fair and village fair trade for ten year. 近十年来,学者们对乡村集市及集市贸易进行了进一步的研究。
We want to move along with the world, open our economy and have open fair trade practices, but this is not the way to do it, she told the FT. We want [ the WTO] to succeed. 我们想要与世界共同前进,开放我们的经济,使贸易开放公平,但这不是达成此目标的方式,她对金融时报记者说。我们希望(WTO)成功。
The company has also taken on global issues, including clean water and fair trade. 此外,星巴克还参与了清洁水源和公平贸易等全球性事务。
Fair trade is the issue, not national security. 问题的关键在于公平贸易,而非国家安全。
To me, everyone gets their share in Fair Trade. 我认为,每个人都可以从公平贸易中得到好处。
Ensure fair trade practices in the food trade. 确保食品贸易中的公平做法。
A violation of a fair trade! 这是违反公平交易的!
We must remain committed to a system of open and fair trade. 我们必须始终致力于一个开放与公平的贸易体制。
Free but fair trade becomes an exercise in insidious protectionism that few recognise as such. 自由但公平的贸易成为一种阴险的保护主义立场,极少有人意识到这一点。
WTO is an international organization that works to guarantee fair trade between many nations. 世界贸易组织个国际性组织,国家间公平贸易服务。
The ministers said they pledged to continue fair trade practices and to achieve an orderly regional rice trade. 东盟各成员国部长称,他们承诺继续实施公平贸易,实现有秩序的地区大米贸易。
Sebastien Ravut's site lists shops in France that offer fair trade products, bio-friendly goods and recycled items. 塞巴斯蒂安的网站列出了法国的一些平价、环保和提供再利用商品的商店名单。
This aspect is one important direction of our study on the development of country fair and village fair trade. 这也是今后拓展乡村集市研究的一个重要的方向。
Pricing, competition, fair trade packaging, labeling, advertising, product safety and minimum wages can all affect business. 商品的定价,竞争,公平的交易包装,标签,广告,产品的安全和最低工资都可以影响到商业。
Established in1997, COSE ensures that the production and trade of its agricultural products meets Fair Trade standards. COSE成立于1997年,是世界公平贸易组织(WFTO)的成员,宗旨为透过公平贸易改善斯里兰卡小农的生计,保证产品的生产及买卖过程符合公平贸易标准。
After arguing with him for an hour, We made a fair trade. 与他争论一小时后,我们做成了一桩公平交易。
This is not a fair trade. 这不是公平交易!
In order to achieve a fair trade, thecurrent Doha Round negotiations should eliminate the serious imbalance in terms ofdomestic support between developed and developing members. 多哈回合农业谈判必须消除发达成员和发展中成员在国内支持方面存在的严重不平衡,以实现公平贸易。
Yellow Valley is unique as we combine natural, artisanal and fair trade in one company and one product. 黄河流域是独一无二的,我们结合自然,手工和公平贸易的一个公司,一个产品。
And those kinds of fair trade elements are very important to a level playing field. 这类公平贸易要素对公平贸易环境来说非常重要。
To promote a fair trade environment by developing codes of practices and standards for members as professional service providers. 推广公平贸易环境,发展及订定通用的实务守则及营运标准,使会员成为专业服务的提供者。
Minh and Dominic recently exhibited their Fair Trade products at the Hong Kong Food Expo. Minh和Dominc最近在香港美食博览展出他们的公平贸易产品。
While the Fund also has provisions prohibiting the manipulation of exchange rates to achieve competitive advantage ( what we call a competitive devaluation), there is no operating approach to redress this distortion to fair trade. 尽管IMF也规定禁止通过操纵汇率来获得竞争性优势(我们称为竞争性贬值),但没有可行性方法来纠正这种对公平贸易的扭曲。
Macau Fair Trade Association is a professional organization which aims to promote develop MICE industry in Macao. 澳门展贸协会是一个致力推动澳门会议展览业发展的专业团体。
Hong Kong also has links to Fair Trade producers around Asia. 香港与亚洲区的公平生产商也有一定联系。
We choose leadership over isolationism, and the pursuit of free and fair trade and open markets over protectionism. 我们选择领导而非孤立主义,追求自由与公平贸易、开放市场而非保护主义。
Grown in volcanic soil, this fair trade coffee is full-bodied with a light acidity and hints of cocoa. 生长在火山岩土壤里,是公平贸易咖啡,优异的醇度,明亮的酸度和暗暗的可可味。
All Pacific nations benefit from free and fair trade, the foundation of this region's remarkable prosperity. 公平自由贸易是太平洋地区经济繁荣的基础,使所有太平洋国家均受利与此。
It was in2002 that Threads of Yunnan became the first mainland China member of the International Fair Trade Association. 彩线云南在2002年加入国际公平贸易组织,成为第一个加入的中国内地会员。